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According to Helper :
Enshrined in earthscheme is an impetus towards consciousness of God; this could not be excluded by the Painmaker. Evolution is the reaching for this consciousness. After physical death every being is sent back to earthscheme to continue evolving. The being that becomes seized of the inferiority of every aspect of earthly life, desiring uninterrupted heartnosis, is not sent back to the scheme. The pain – central to earthscheme – felt by beings while in the scheme, is sufficient payoff for the Painmaker.
I have passed through being in over two thousand species, starting with a unicellular organism. Beings evolve at different rates because of variation in the experiences afforded them; as you might expect of a jungle. Regression never occurs. All beings evolve to freedom from earthscheme.
What distinguishes certain Eastern doctrines – for instance Hinduism – from what Helper tells me, is their contention that (a) earthscheme is the handiwork of God. It is to me inconceivable that a scheme with such coarseness and cruelty at its core could be of Divine creation; the explanations proffered in various doctrines come nowhere near explaining the why of earthscheme’s horrendous features (b) we can accelerate our evolution. Evolution is seeing – in increasing measure – the blessedness of selfless conduct. Right action flows from this; it is always a consequence. If the concept of ‘free will’ is to carry a modicum of logic, it must imply an option of rectitude informed by precept rather than insight. Such rectitude is sterile; perceiving this does not demand Pythagorean genius (c) a human being may regress; be reincarnated as an animal – owing to karma attaching to wrongdoing.