Below are terms of my making – from necessity – except ofcourse for ‘Ego’
‘Earthscheme’ : all of the planet’s constituents and inhabitants, together with the propensities hard-wired into them.
‘Earthware’ : the hardwired propensities.
‘Ego’ : as understood by psychoanalysts … the part of the psyche where intent is engendered and its realisation directed. Opinions originate here. The imperative to survive, suprasurvive, and obtain satisfaction (in various modes), is the ruler. Selflessness – so called – also is of this stable.
‘Gnosoteacher’ : a person in a heartnosis – like condition, who provides assistance, reluctantly or otherwise, to persons seeking release from the psychological troubles common to all humans.
‘Heartnosis’ : a condition of transcendent ease and love, free of every preoccupation including mortality, and with no association whatsoever with ritual or scripture or group.
‘Heartseeker’ : one who yearns for heartnosis.
‘Helper’ : an agency that provides guidance and information, both without my consciously asking for it and in response to my asking. It has access to the pervasive, all encompassing ‘internet’ that has existed from – I’d surmise – the beginning of life on the planet. For all important decisions I am in Helper’s sway; going against its indications brings intolerable discomfort. I can consult it for anything, even the selection of a toothbrush.
‘Painmaker’ : the creator of Earthscheme.