Life IS Meaningless

Are You Floundering ?

Are You Floundering ?

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Do you yearn for something beyond family, friendship, community, tradition, religion, philosophy, career, every form of knowledge and skill, growing food or flowers, wealth building, richer lifestyle, poetry, prose, art, music, handicraft, sport, even healing? Is the pursuit of bodily pleasures not driving your life? Do you have scant desire for substance-induced states?

If you find yourself saying ‘yes’ to the questions above, you were probably born with low voltage earthware receptors, and have a feeble appetite for cultivating a role-self. The meaningless of the life that impresses itself on us from our early years, is likely a certainty for you – though this might not as yet have come into plain view. You’re floundering in the gap between earthware existence and heartnosis.

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