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Earthscheme’s principal feature is the phenomenon we call ‘life’. This life is carried in ‘bodies’ (plants and creatures). These bodies need regular intake of nutrients for their continuation. Desire for continuation rules all life forms. E a t I n g then is a sine qua non of this scheme. Observers from some other system probably refer to Earth as ‘Planet Eat’ (or perhaps ‘Planet Excrete’).
As regards eating by carnivores … Heinous cruelty is brought home to us by YouTube. A zebra quenching its thirst has its muzzle mangled by a crocodile, a lion eats a live wildebeest’s testicles, lionesses devour a hog without bothering to kill it first, a crocodile and lioness play tug-of-war with a baby buffalo. Most creatures must continually guard against themselves or their offspring being killed for food; apex predators included. Terror and pain precede death, varying from little to considerable. Lions start eating live buffalo calf Crocodile rips off zebra’s jaw Komodo dragons eat live animals Lions start eating a live zebra Wild dogs eat live deer Lion eats testicles of live wildebeest
Human procurement of animals for food – and medicine, apparel, entertainment – too is riddled with cruelty. There is the mass killing by hypoxia of fish, preceded in many places by hooking into the mouth. There is the harpooning of whales which makes them suffer terribly before they die. Lobsters are boiled live. Bile is extracted from a live bear’s liver for medicinal purposes. Seal fur : “To make sure the fur stays intact, sealers often hook seals in the cheek, eye, or mouth. Once a seal is hooked, he or she is dragged across the ice and skinned. What’s more, sealers do not take the time to check if the seals are alive before skinning them” . In sport there is the bull-fighting, and in a few – “more civilised” – parts of the world, humans on horseback chase a fox accompanied by a pack of hounds, often till the fox is exhausted. The dogs are allowed to rip the fox apart; in many instances it is disemboweled before it dies.
The nature of a crucial component of a scheme serves very adequately for branding the scheme … describing earthscheme as ghastly is therefore entirely apposite. Humans – emerged from the jungle as we are – are purblind, unable to see the scheme for what it is. We’ll say the cruelty is ‘Nature’s Way’; or more perplexingly, ‘Nature’s Wisdom’. Of those who are more disturbed by Mamma Nature’s hideousness, most submit to mind-boggling ‘explanations’ that have, we are informed, been perceived (received even – !) by elevated souls. These explanations are in the post on religion.
All the u n r e m i t t i n g e a t i n g sustains – overwhelmingly – nothing finer than the discharge of the – unlovely – proclivities of the ego; conflict, cruelty, misery prevail.
Erstwhile Transcendentalists immersed themselves in Nature centered rapture; there was no YouTube at the time to rupture this. But Nature adoring has been widespread … also deployed by The Church to scupper this question … what manner of being could craft a system dripping with selfishness and cruelty ? The hymn ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’ is an example of how naked the brain-washing can be. “All creatures great and small” are made by the “Lord God” … so yes we have plasmodium, the komodo dragon, the syphilis bacterium, but here in the house of God, lose your discrimination in joyous song and the hypnotic organ. Don’t overthink the lyrics … certain bits are only a little nod to accuracy. “The cold wind in the winter” must be in the “wise and wonderful” category. In conclusion we give you this takeaway : “how great is God Almighty, who has made all things well” – ? ? ? ! ! !
What we label ‘beauty’ is that which – subliminally – gets associated with what is life giving ... colours, trees, flowing rivers, mountains, and so on. To a dung-beetle beauty is a brown lump. But we – sages too – wax about beauty as a quality in itself … bestowed upon the planet like jam upon bread … elevating it to ‘wonnnderful creation’.
We can’t finish with natural cruelty without noting the accomplishments of humans in their treatment of humans. Burning at the stake, boiling in oil, gouging out of the eyes, cutting out of the tongue are some of the glittering examples.